| 1. | General disciplined services officer pay scale 一般纪律人员主任级工资等级 |
| 2. | Disciplined services officer and civil service counterparts - a table of comparison 纪律部队人员主任级与其他同等职级公务员比较一览表 |
| 3. | Lcq15 : assistance to disciplined services officers being troubled with emotional problems 立法会十五题:协助受情绪问题困扰的纪律部队人员 |
| 4. | Above mps point 33 to general disciplined services officer pay scale gds point 38 or equivalent 超过总薪级表第33点至一般纪律人员主任级薪级表第38点或同等薪点 |
| 5. | Disciplined services officer and civil service counterparts - pay level comparison in graphic form 纪律部队人员主任级与其他同等职级公务员的薪酬水平比较一览表 |
| 6. | Regarding the emotional health of disciplined services officers " dsos " , will the government inform this council 有关纪律部队人员的情绪健康,政府可否告知本会: |